4,012 research outputs found

    Stability of negative ionization fronts: regularization by electric screening?

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    We recently have proposed that a reduced interfacial model for streamer propagation is able to explain spontaneous branching. Such models require regularization. In the present paper we investigate how transversal Fourier modes of a planar ionization front are regularized by the electric screening length. For a fixed value of the electric field ahead of the front we calculate the dispersion relation numerically. These results guide the derivation of analytical asymptotes for arbitrary fields: for small wave-vector k, the growth rate s(k) grows linearly with k, for large k, it saturates at some positive plateau value. We give a physical interpretation of these results.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figure

    Streamer branching rationalized by conformal mapping techniques

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    Spontaneous branching of discharge channels is frequently observed, but not well understood. We recently proposed a new branching mechanism based on simulations of a simple continuous discharge model in high fields. We here present analytical results for such streamers in the Lozansky-Firsov limit where they can be modelled as moving equipotential ionization fronts. This model can be analyzed by conformal mapping techniques which allow the reduction of the dynamical problem to finite sets of nonlinear ordinary differential equations. The solutions illustrate that branching is generic for the intricate head dynamics of streamers in the Lozansky-Firsov-limit.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Segment Motion in the Reptation Model of Polymer Dynamics. II. Simulations

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    We present simulation data for the motion of a polymer chain through a regular lattice of impenetrable obstacles (Evans-Edwards model). Chain lengths range from N=20 to N=640, and time up to 10710^{7} Monte Carlo steps. For N160N \geq 160 we for the central segment find clear t1/4t^{1/4}-behavior as an intermediate asymptote. The also expected t1/2t^{1/2}-range is not yet developed. For the end segment also the t1/4t^{1/4}-behavior is not reached. All these data compare well to our recent analytical evaluation of the reptation model, which shows that for shorter times (t \alt 10^{4}) the discreteness of the elementary motion cannot be neglected, whereas for longer times and short chains (N \alt 100) tube renewal plays an essential role also for the central segment. Due to the very broad crossover behavior both the diffusion coefficient and the reptation time within the range of our simulation do not reach the asymptotic power laws predicted by reptation theory. We present results for the center-of-mass motion, showing the expected intermediate t1/2t^{1/2}-behavior, but again only for very long chains. In addition we show results for the motion of the central segment relative to the center of mass, where in some intermediate range we see the expected increase of the effective power beyond the t1/4t^{1/4}-law, before saturation sets in. Analysis and simulations agree on defining a new set of criteria as characteristic for reptation of finite chains.Comment: 19 pages in latex plus 13 ps figures, submitted to J. Stat. Phys. on September 18, 199

    Segment Motion in the Reptation Model of Polymer Dynamics. I. Analytical Investigation

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    We analyze the motion of individual beads of a polymer chain using a discrete version of De Gennes' reptation model that describes the motion of a polymer through an ordered lattice of obstacles. The motion within the tube can be evaluated rigorously, tube renewal is taken into account in an approximation motivated by random walk theory. We find microstructure effects to be present for remarkably large times and long chains, affecting essentially all present day computer experiments. The various asymptotic power laws, commonly considered as typical for reptation, hold only for extremely long chains. Furthermore, for an arbitrary segment even in a very long chain, we find a rich variety of fairly broad crossovers, which for practicably accessible chain lengths overlap and smear out the asymptotic power laws. Our analysis suggests observables specifically adapted to distinguish reptation from motions dominated by disorder of the environment.Comment: 38 pages in latex plus 8 ps figures, submitted to J. Stat. Phys. on September 18, 1997, please note part II on cond-mat/971006

    High order fluid model for streamer discharges. II. Numerical solution and investigation of planar fronts

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    The high order fluid model developed in the preceding paper is employed here to study the propagation of negative planar streamer fronts in pure nitrogen. The model consists of the balance equations for electron density, average electron velocity, average electron energy and average electron energy flux. These balance equations have been obtained as velocity moments of Boltzmann's equation and are here coupled to the Poisson equation for the space charge electric field. Here the results of simulations with the high order model, with a PIC/MC (Particle in cell/Monte Carlo) model and with the first order fluid model based on the hydrodynamic drift-diffusion approximation are presented and compared. The comparison with the MC model clearly validates our high order fluid model, thus supporting its correct theoretical derivation and numerical implementation. The results of the first order fluid model with local field approximation, as usually used for streamer discharges, show considerable deviations. Furthermore, we study the inaccuracies of simulation results caused by an inconsistent implementation of transport data into our high order fluid model. We also demonstrate the importance of the energy flux term in the high order model by comparing with results where this term is neglected. Finally, results with an approximation for the high order tensor in the energy flux equation is found to agree well with the PIC/MC results for reduced electric fields up to 1000 Townsend, as considered in this work.Comment: 26 pages, 11 figure

    Why isolated streamer discharges hardly exist above the breakdown field in atmospheric air

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    We investigate streamer formation in the troposphere, in electric fields above the breakdown threshold. With fully three-dimensional particle simulations, we study the combined effect of natural background ionization and of photoionization on the discharge morphology. In previous investigations based on deterministic fluid models without background ionization, so-called double-headed streamers emerged. But in our improved model, many electron avalanches start to grow at different locations. Eventually the avalanches collectively screen the electric field in the interior of the discharge. This happens after what we call the `ionization screening time', for which we give an analytical estimate. As this time is comparable to the streamer formation time, we conclude that isolated streamers are unlikely to exist in fields well above breakdown in atmospheric air.Comment: Changed citation information. 6 pages, 4 figures, Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 40, 2417-2422, 201

    Spontaneous Branching of Anode-Directed Streamers between Planar Electrodes

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    Non-ionized media subject to strong fields can become locally ionized by penetration of finger-shaped streamers. We study negative streamers between planar electrodes in a simple deterministic continuum approximation. We observe that for sufficiently large fields, the streamer tip can split. This happens close to Firsov's limit of `ideal conductivity'. Qualitatively the tip splitting is due to a Laplacian instability quite like in viscous fingering. For future quantitative analytical progress, our stability analysis of planar fronts identifies the screening length as a regularization mechanism.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figures, submitted to PRL on Nov. 16, 2001, revised version of March 10, 200

    The diffusion coefficient of propagating fronts with multiplicative noise

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    Recent studies have shown that in the presence of noise both fronts propagating into a metastable state and so-called pushed fronts propagating into an unstable state, exhibit diffusive wandering about the average position. In this paper we derive an expression for the effective diffusion coefficient of such fronts, which was motivated before on the basis of a multiple scale ansatz. Our systematic derivation is based on the decomposition of the fluctuating front into a suitably positioned average profile plus fluctuating eigenmodes of the stability operator. While the fluctuations of the front position in this particular decomposition are a Wiener process on all time scales, the fluctuations about the time averaged front profile relax exponentially.Comment: 4 page

    Bosonization in Particle Physics

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    Path integral techniques in collective fields are shown to be a useful analytical tool to reformulate a field theory defined in terms of microscopic quark (gluon) degrees of freedom as an effective theory of collective boson (meson) fields. For illustrations, the path integral bosonization approach is applied to derive a (non)linear sigma model from a Nambu-Jona-Lasinio (NJL) quark model. The method can be extended to include higher order derivative terms in meson fields or heavy-quark symmetries. It is also approximately applicable to QCD.Comment: 12 pages, LaTeX, uses lamuphys.sty, 5 LaTeX figures, talk given at the Workshop "Field Theoretical Tools in Polymer and Particle Physics", University Wuppertal, June 17-19, 199